
Brock Lesnar workout and Diet Secret

What you need to know

Brock Lesnar fitness secret
Brock Lesnar workout routine and diet

Brock Lesnar workout and diet. Brock Edward Lesnar was born July 12, 1977 in Webster, South Dakota. He is a WWE professional wrestler. He is of 6.2 ft in height and 266 lbs in weight.In the WWE, Brock won the heavyweight title on 3 separate occasions. He became the youngest champion in the history of the WWE, winning the title at the age of 25. In 2004 Brock Lesnar exited the WWE and made an attempt to enter the NFL. He
was ultimately cut by the Minnesota Vikings in the pre-season.The Brock Lesnar Workout is an insane muscle building and muscle maximizer workout program that is designed to pack on kilos of rock hard muscle in parts of the body that are most prominent.

Workout and Equipments 

The Brock Lesnar Workout definitely involves a fair share of strength conditioning and as you can see from just a 4 day excerpt below, a variety of muscle building exercises. This workout focuses on the pectorals, upper and lower back, biceps and triceps, forearms, quads and glutes and last but not least, the calves.

1. Monday – Chest and Triceps
  • Bench Press – 6 Sets of 12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 Sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Flyes - 3 Sets of 8 reps
  • Cable Crossovers - 3 Sets of 8 reps
  • Triceps Dips - 4 Sets of 10 reps
  • Triceps Pushdown - 4 Sets of 10 reps
  • Skull Crushers - 3 Sets of 10 reps

2. Tuesday – Back and Biceps
  • Wide Grip Pull Up – 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Medium Grip Pull Up - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Narrow Grip Pull Up - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Seated Cable Row - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Stiff Legged Deadlift - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Deadlift - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Preacher Curl - 4 Sets of 12 reps
  • Hammer Curl - 3 Sets of 10 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl - 3 Sets of 10 reps

3. Wednesday Rest
4. Thursday – Shoulders
  • Overhead Barbell Press – 4 Sets of 10 reps
  • Seated Dumbbell Press - 3 Sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Front Raise - 3 Sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 3 Sets of 10 reps
  • Smith Machine Upright Row - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Barbell/Dumbbell Shrug - 4 Sets of 6 reps

5. Friday – Legs
  • Leg Extension – 3 Sets of 10 reps
  • Leg Curl - 3 Sets of 10 reps
  • Narrow Stance Smith Machine Squat - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Medium Stance Smith Machine Squat – 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Wide Stance Smith Machine Squat - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Leg Press - 4 Sets of 6 reps
  • Stiff Legged Deadlift - 4 Sets of 6 reps

6. Saturday, Sunday – Rest

 Diet and Supplement

Brock Lesnar consumes a high amount of calories in his diet, and uses creatine and whey protein supplements to increase strength and build muscle. Brock consumes 30g of protein immediately post workout to replenish his muscles. He also refuels by drinking a minimum of a gallon of water with added electrolytes a day. He has always said he is a carnivore and eats what he kills. He is a big fan of hunting and follows a caveman diet that is very high in protein.

In 2009 Brock was diagnosed with diverticulitis. This led him to serious change his dietary habits. He has had to start eating more greens in his diet for fibre which he lacked before.

 Following supplements he takes with Diet:

  • L supplements amino acids BCCA.
  • Lots of oily food, High gainers.
  • Creatine monohydrate, Caffeine CLA.
  • Multivitamins.


  1. Brock Lesnar is awesome and should be the world heavy weight champion

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Damn.... he is just a beast!!!!

  4. I Like you Brock ! <3

    Christine, French Fan ;)


  6. the beast is the best..i worship u brock

  7. the beast is the best I can follow you brock
