



Shilpa shetty don't avoid any food. Her calorie intake is about 2000 per day. She don't need that much carbs because I don't do manuel work .Because She work out, She don't cut down on my carbs. So the scale tilts towards high protein.Shilpa actually encountered yoga to recover from a neck problem. It was her physiotherapist who recommended it. After trying it out for some time, she felt more and more intrigued and took it up.I'm a non-vegetarian on every day of the week except Thursdays. My breakfast every day is a bowl of
porridge and normal tea. My morning chai is a must. Then I work-out (3-4 times a week). After I return I've a protein shake, two dates and eight black raisins.My lunch at 2.30 pm comprises one roti made of five different kinds of grains that I learnt about at the Oneness camp. Very high-fibre and protein-friendly. And I must have ghee on my roti, can't do without ghee on my roti, vegetables done in refined oil, chicken and daal. Being a hardcore non-vegetarian, she loves her chicken. She has replaced bread, rice and sugar with their brown versions. To maintain her flawless skin, she drinks aloe vera juice daily. Soups and salads are on her menu, so are pulses and veggies. The actor goes easy on her diet one day of the week, and has desserts of her choice. Shilpa is a tea lover and likes the normal as well as green variety.


IF you don't feel comfortable working out at a gym, change venue or you'll never go. Or do what I do and train at home.

Stretch before and after a workout to prevent muscle strain. Cardiovascular exercise keeps you fit, trim and healthy so my workouts involve light runs on the treadmill.

Lift light dumb-bells to tone your arms without bulking up - I use heavier weights on my legs for definition. And work out at least three times a week.

I am genetically blessed. I do not diet much. To be fit is very important to me. I don’t go overboard on what I eat....I do meditate regularly....I love doing squats. I’ve always felt my legs are too skinny, so I concentrate more on my lower body.... I get workout tips from my costars, Salman Khan and Sunjay Dutt, who are fitness freaks themselves.


  • Morning: She starts her day with Aloe vera juice. According to her it is good for the immune system and the skin. She then proceeds to have porridge and tea with brown sugar.
  • Lunch: Shilpa has dal with brown rice or chapatti made from different grains that are high in fiber with chicken curry and one vegetable.
  • Evening: If she is hungry, Shilpa prefers one brown bread toast with 2 eggs and tea.
  • Dinner: She eats salad, soup and a chicken dish as dinner and has it early at night.
DIETING is the worst thing you can do - I've never done anything silly like the cabbage soup diet. Instead, just eat good, natural foods in sensible portions.

I drink around 10 glasses of hot water during the day to cleanse my system, keep my skin clear and feel full.

Never snack - eating between meals just increases your calorie intake. Remember tea is always better than sugary, fizzy drinks. And don't eat after 8pm. I always eat at least three hours before I go to bed so my body has the chance to work off the calories.

1 comment:

  1. what a fab information ! Ihave become her fan after reading about her wellness regime !She sounds very intelligent and practical.I have been reading about so much fitness secrets of stars and must say Shilpa is the best! She comes across as a warm and lovable person too ! God bless you Always .
