
Adam Levine Yoga Workout and Diet Secret

What you need to know

Adam Levine Yoga Workout routine and Diet plan
Adam Levine Height Weight and Yoga Training
Adam Levine Fitness Secret exercises training

Adam Levine was born on March 18, 1979 is an American singer, songwriter and musician. He is best known for the guitarist and face of the pop rock band Maroon 5. Adam practices yoga for at least one hour before going on stage, he feels, yoga builds him to give a rocking  performance on the stage. He practices various postures of yoga for one hour, to relax himself and to feel energized. Let us see his fitness training.

Height: 5 ft 11¾ or 182 cm

Weight: 85 kg or 187 pounds

Fitness Training Exercises and Equipments

Levine likes the fact that yoga is easy to do anywhere, needing only a small space and a personal-sized floor mat. With only one hour a day to spend on yoga, the results affect all parts of a person’s mind and body. Above are the exercises Adam do to keep him physically and mentally fit.

  • Sirsasana: Adam is a fan of this Sirsasana pose because it generates a good sweat and takes an intense amount of concentration to avoid falling over.
  • Anusara: This melds Iyengar's clinical sensibility with a Hindu-derived spirituality. Adam does lots of Anusara influenced chest-opening postures.
  • Ashtanga: Part of  Levine’s daily routine, Ashtanga is comprised of eight series of postures. Ashtanga benefits you by detoxifying your body, bringing your spinal cord in proper shape and developing strength, stamina with flexibility in your body.
  • Jivamukti: Combines a movement with music and Hindu spirituality. Adam steers clear of the dogma but is into the music and the physical flow.
  • Vinyasa: A less intense version of Ashtanga, this focuses on synchronizing the breath with the movements that connect the poses.
Diet and Nutrition

Adam says "Being a vegetarian usually consists of eating a steak and promising that tomorrow I will start being a vegetarian". If all of us ate half as much meat, it would be like half of us were vegetarians. And by going vegetarian, each person saves approximately 5,000 lbs of carbon emissions per year.

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