
Abs Workout and Diet plan

The proper way to train abs is widely debated by experts. In reality, what works for someone else may not work for you. Since everyone has a different body type, results will vary from person to person.

  • This exercises are so easy that Most already know how to perform this exercise. It is basic, yet highly effective. Abdominal crunches can be performed on various surfaces (mats, balls, etc.).
  • Instructions:
  • From the supine position (on your back), contract your abdomen, then return to the starting position. The neck should elevate only a few inches from the ground. Never crank the neck. It should literally remain in a relatively static position during the entire movement. Crunches should be performed in a slow and controlled fashion. You should exhale as you contract your abs.

 Twisting Crunches
  • Twisting crunches are similar to regular crunches, except the main focus is on the oblique muscles, which are located on the sides of the abdomen.
  • Instructions:
  • From a supine position (lying down on your back with head facing up), crunch the abdomen. As you near the end of the movement, twist your torso as far as you can. Focus on "crunching" each side of your abs. When done correctly, you should feel the burn in the oblique muscles.

schdule for beginners:-

Crunchesup to 510 or more
Side Crunchesup to 510 or more 

Diet for better ABS:-

  • Listed below are helpful diet modification techniques:
  • Caloric Reduction
  • What is the best way to diet for awesome abs? For many, a caloric reduction is ideal. When you eat and don't burn enough calories, you increase your chances of storing excess bodyfat. A caloric reduction is the first step in getting flat abs. It will help to minimize the amount of excess energy available for the body to store as fat.
  • Nutritional Supplementation
  • The use of protein shakes or meal replacement drinks can be a highly effective tool in caloric reduction and overall nutrient balance. These convenient, on-the-go meals may also help to curb the appetite.
  • Portion Sizes
  • Portion sizes count! A low fat diet can still result in a protracted gut. The stomach is an incredible organ that can "make room" for unusual amounts of food. So one way to shrink your belly is to reduce the amount of food it can hold. This can be accomplished by simply controlling the quantity of food you eat; particularly in one sitting. You in essence have to create a virtual Lap-Band(TM) or stomach staple in order to reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold.
  • Change the Way You Think
  • Psychology plays an integral role in achieving and maintaining a lean midsection. There are a multitude of environmental stimuli which profoundly impact how we behave. Here are just two examples:
  • The first is with regard to dietary habits. Many of us have been conditioned to "clean our plates" because there are starving kids in the world. This horrible logic gets passed on from generation to generation. While this may be true, it also leads to overeating which can result in obesity, and subsequently, a myriad of metabolic disorders.
  • The second example... Don't be so quick to buy that economically priced value meal at your favorite restaurant. The food industry has conditioned us to pick the best meal deal. Such deals are hard to refuse and they make sense financially: If you buy item X plus item Y, then item Z is only 40 cents more. Avoid these deals as much as you can. Instead, consider buying only the sandwich and thesmallest drink they sell. Skip the fries/chips, as you will save tons of calories (and the 40 cents).

  • Listed below are three sample nutritional programs that I have used with success. They are provided as general guidelines and should never be tested without approval from a doctor or licensed/certified nutrition expert. Each plan is intended to accommodate my individual needs. For example, if I only have time to eat four times per day, then I use program #1. Alternatively, I can start with nutrition program #1, then progress to programs 2 and 3 as needed.
  • Program #1 (one shake, 2 small meals, 1 light snack)
    Meal 1: Light breakfast
    Meal 2: Small meal
    Meal 3: Snack
    Meal 4: Small meal

  • Program #2 (two shakes, 2 small meals, 1 light snacks)
    Meal 1: Meal replacement drink/protein shake
    Meal 2: Snack
    Meal 3: Small meal
    Meal 4: Meal replacement drink/protein shake
    Meal 5: Small meal

  • Program #3 (two shakes, 2 small meals, 2 light snacks)
    Meal 1: Light breakfast
    Meal 2: Snack
    Meal 3: Meal replacement drink/protein shake
    Meal 4: Snack
    Meal 5: Small meal
    Meal 6: Meal replacement drink/protein shake
  • Next, with one example I'll explain how I apply the proper nutrients to each abs diet plan for best results. The indicated food choices are just a few of the possibilities. I vary the food selections often to meet my individual needs. The following example applies to program #2:
  • Meal 1
    Protein shake with banana blended in

    Meal 2
    Raisin bagel half, cinnamon applesauce or pineapple chunks, water or water-based beverage of choice (e.g. natural fruit juices or watered down sugar drinks)

    Meal 3
    Half sandwich (6 inch), fruit cup/cocktail, water or water-based beverage of choice

    Meal 4
    Protein shake with fruit mixed in

    Meal 5
    Seasoned chicken strips with spinach, 1 dinner roll, any dessert (up to 200 kcals), water or water-based beverage of choice
  • Is it bad to eat after 8:00pm?
  • No. The metabolism constantly burns calories at all hours of the day. The 8:00pm rule is an arbitrary time interval. If you are physically active, there should be no reason to eliminate food after 8:00pm as your energy expenditure is always elevated... even while you sleep.
  • Typically, those with more lean muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. So if you really want to boost your resting metabolic rate, incorporate strength training into your workout routine. Surprisingly, strength training has a better effect on metabolism than cardiovascular training. Reason? Lean muscle requires more energy usage. The cells are larger. Muscle cells also have more capillaries, which are essential for oxygen and nutrient delivery. Simply put, the body has to expend more energy to service and feed lean muscle.
  • It is important to note that you must still perform cardiovascular activity regularly. But adding lean muscle mass will enhance your fat-burning efforts considerably.                          
My main points:
  1. Monitor caloric intake
  2. Consider protein or meal replacement supplements
  3. Eat high-calorie foods in moderation
  4. Eat smaller meal portions
  5. Change your thought patterns                            
Useful tips for abdominal   
  • Tip #1
  • Perform cardiovascular activity before your abs workout.
  • When the body is warmed up as a result of cardiovascular activity, it allows for a better contraction on the abs when you work them. In essence, the warm up enables you to better feel the deep muscular burning sensation when your abs are worked. It also helps to prevent abdominal pulls or muscle strains.
  • Tip #2
  • Minimize rest time in between exercises.
  • Limit rest time in between each exercise to about 1 minute or less. This technique makes your workout more "aerobic" and keeps the metabolism high; possibly allowing you to burn fat at a greater rate during exercise. The term aerobic means "using oxygen."


  1. Can't wait to try this one. Hope I can get my abs before 3 months. :)

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