
Jennifer Lawrence workout and diet secret

 Jennifer Lawrence workout and diet

What you need to know

Jennifer Lawrence workout routine and diet
Jennifer Lawrence fitness secret Hunger Games

Jennifer Lawrence workout and diet. Jennifer Shrader Lawrence ( Jennifer Lawrence ) was born August 15, 1990 is an American actress. She is best known for her role in The Hunger Games (2012) which receive a huge success in US box office. She is also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress and this made her second youngest actress ever to be nominated for the award(She is just 20yrs old when
nominated for award). She is 5′ 7″ in height and having weight about 125 pounds. She trained hard for being in shape for her role as Katniss in The Hunger Games.  Let us see her workout plan.

Workout and Equipments

We only had six weeks, so we had a very intense program. We’d have warm-ups, track drills, agility drills, medicine ball work, sprints, and then she’d have stationary bike rides her Fitness Trainer Joe Horrigan said. 

  • She workout 2 to 3 days in a week an hour each day twice a day.
  • 15 min warm up (running on treadmill).
  • she’d have stationary bike rides.
  • She also do track drills, agility drills, medicine ball work, sprints.
  • She loves to perform stunts.
  •  She also practices Yoga.
  • She do Rock climbing and tree climbing.
  • She loves to do cardio.

 Diet and Nutrition

Jennifer's diet focus more on calorie intake, rather than putting the focus on what foods.  Limiting calorie intake allows freedom when deciding what foods to eat. By limiting calories with portion control, Lawrence was able to eat a higher percentage of carbohydrates. She stuck to the diet and she didn’t cheat and was never late for a workout. She eats fresh fruits and vegetables daily. She also drinks penalty of water daily. She loves to eat non-veg specially fish. 

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