
Johnny Depp Workout and Diet Secret

Johnny Depp Workout and Diet Secret

What you need to know
Johnny Depp workout routine
Johnny Depp fitness secret
Johnny Depp Diet plan

Johnny Depp Workout and Diet. John Christopher ( Johnny Depp ) was born on June 9, 1963 is an American actor, producer and musician. He is Best known for his role in Pirates of the Caribbean series. He is now among the top ten paid Hollywood actors. He is not only on top of the money chart but he is also amongst the toppers when you talk about maximum number of female fans and this is not only because of his acting and singing but also because of his good physique. He seems quite flexible because of his well toned muscle mass. Let us talk about his workouts.

Workout and Equipments 

Johnny has a busy schedule still he goes to gym for workout 3-4 days in a week.  He is a health conscious person who has the slimmest body in Hollywood and is also awarded as sexiest man on the earth few times.

  • Johhny Depp starts his workout with warm up by jogging few kilometers and then starts up with the push ups.

  • Push ups works for all body muscles in upper body and build optimal strength in wrist, upper arm, shoulder and chest .

  • He did a lot of sword fighting training for Pirates of the Caribbean. Sword fighting techniques requires total body workout and also without any break. 

  •  After that He does squat.

  • He does not workout too hard because he has a natural slim body and perfect physique but still he has muscles. 
Diet and Supplements 

Nutrition and diet also plays an important role for shaping a body like Depp. His diet plan include chicken, fruits, vegetables, soy based products etc. He maintains a balanced diet. It is always advisable to consume protein supplements such as casein and whey for maintaining the energy levels in your body. He takes 6 meals a day. Let us look at his diet.

  • Early Snack: Bowl of oats and cup of green tea.

  • Breakfast: Wheat pasta with chicken breast or white fish sometimes, fruit and cup of green tea.

  • Evening Snack: Ground oats with protein shake and salad.

  • Dinner: White fish with boiled  or roast veg. 

  • Before Bed: Cottage cheese and almonds.


1 comment:

  1. Do we really need to follow some one like this ??????????????????????????? I think women should follow his techniques .
